Cloud Backup and Recovery Solutions

Maximizing productivity involves getting things done in a short span of time, this is possible only when you have the required files and information at your fingertips. Cloud backup offers this very convenience to your business by placing the confidential and important business data and applications on a remote server with regular backup. This service ensures that you don’t lose any crucial data and everything remains instantly available to you at any given point of time.  The process of backup and recovery is easily handled via a web browser or app giving you complete control over the process at all times.


Why do you need cloud backup?

Improved Accessibility

A convenient way to access important files and documents from anywhere in the world with the help of just a good internet connection.

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Highly Secure

Isolate your data from local device failures, malware attacks or natural disasters by storing it off site at a remote location. This way they are protected from local weather disturbances and outages

Minimal Downtime

Ensure you can quickly restore your system so you get access to desired files and data at your convenience and your business keeps running without any delays.

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Highly Flexible

By replacing traditional backup techniques where data is locally stored using a hard drive or tape with limited capacity, cloud-based backup ensure that you can scale it up or down according to your requirement

Rapid Data Recovery

Ensure you can quickly restore your system so you get access to desired files and data at your convenience and your business keeps running without any delays.

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Why need an effective IT Disaster Recovery Plan?

Your business data is very crucial to your overall performance and success. Losing the data due to a natural disaster, power outage, hardware failure is very likely as the odds are always against you in such situations. Hence the best way to ensure that your data is secure in the event of such disasters its always advisable to have a well planned and structured IT disaster recovery plan in place.

A smartly developed disaster recovery plan will ensure that a hardware failure does not cause you any loss of data. Eliminating a single point of failure in an IT infrastructure can be a costly en-devour for any company, however with a disaster recovery plan in place it can be ensured that a hardware failure doses not interrupt your service or cause major data loss and helps get things back up and running in no time

We provides focused, committed support all the way from Backup to Restoration

How does it Work?

The process starts by copying data at the production site and transferring it to a remote storage system with easy accessibility for DR purposes. Organizations world over prefer to use cloud backup solutions for this service as they offer flexibility, fast deployment and are highly scalable

Get Started Now

Our architects and consultants can assist your organization in tailoring the perfect  solution for all your business requirements. You can reach out to us for more information on how we can help.